34 – Lord Jesus says that He is our “ONE and ONLY teacher”- When you start this relationship with Lord Jesus in a true and more intimate way, you will begin to have a far more dynamic, miraculous and exciting life.

POSTED BY Kelly Newton-Wordsworth April 7, 2022 IN Podcast | No Comments

When you start to really treat Lord Jesus in this way where you speak with Him every day as your greatest friend (He says “what greater love is there than one who gives up His life for a friend?” He gave up His life for you therefore He truly is your greatest friend), you will notice many changes happening in your life. When you start on the journey of having the discipline to “ask” so that you WILL “receive” (as Lord Jesus says), you truly start to “seek” and then you find (as Lord Jesus says) and you “knock” on His door and it “will be opened” (as Lord Jesus says it will!) your life will change so dramatically you will constantly be in a state of awe of the majesty and greatness of God! He is truly mighty, wondrous and only wants the greatest for us. The is a major condition with this though. He expects us to OBEY Him. The more we come to know our Father, Lord Jesus and the Holy Spirit this becomes easier and easier. It does require the discipline to “ask” before we rush into doing what we think, feel or believe we should do. Lord Jesus says that there are only two masters “God or mammon”, we must know which one we are serving. I have been on this journey with God since 1995 and I have learned from many mistakes and continue to learn every day, the discipline required. The results are spectular. It is the most exciting journey ever, beyond anything I could ever have imagined!

You will find that the way you respond to others, the way you see others and so on, will change forever. If you stay being “of the world”, as in a person who doesn’t have a spiritual relationship with the living God, and just going off to church every Sunday how can you change? There is an old saying, “When you do what you have always done, you will get what you have always had”.

Whew this doesn’t sound that great to me! Does it sound great to you? Are you totally happy with the way your life is? Do you care about the unlimited potential you have with serving the most high God or do you want to just go about your usual business having an “ok” or mediocre life? There is SO much more available to us every single day when we truly follow Lord Jesus and come with Him to serve our Father the most high God!

Do you want to change at all or do you believe you are perfect exactly the way you are? Do you have the life in “abundance” Lord Jesus came to bring us all? Are there any things that you would like to change about yourself, your life, your relationships with others, your financial situation, your work life, where you live, want to start growing your own food and so on and so on.

Do you have any addictions or bad habits you would like to change? Do you like the way you speak to your spouse, children, friends and colleagues? Do you like the way they all speak to you? Are there any things you would like to make a difference to in your life? Our Lord Jesus says, “Be perfect as your Father in heaven is perfect”. (Matthew 5:48) Do you know anything about how to “BE” let alone “Be perfect as our Father is perfect?

Of course we do not know how to “be perfect” as our Father is perfect! If you believe you do, then you must have been brought up in heaven and come down to earth in this last moment! We must ASK our Lord Jesus to help us. As soon as you engage with Lord Jesus in this way, you will be amazed at what He will do for you. He is waiting for us to ask and keep on asking!

Asking Him is supposed to be an every day occurance! It is supposed to be so natural for us. We are supposed to be like ‘children’ in relation to our Heavenly Father and asking Him as a child asks his parents all of his questions. Our Father sent His precious one and only begotten Son to help every single one of us. If we go along every day as if we are already “perfect” and we never need to ask anything of our Father, Lord Jesus and the Holy Spirit, then who do we think we are? God?

There is only one who is behind this kind of attitude and that is the “Father of lies” as Lord Jesus calls Him, the devil himself. We must be very careful every day with our attitude. We must work on seeing our selves as people who need to keep asking our Lord Jesus to help us in any way we need help. We must ask our Father for His precious guidance as to what He wants us to do for Him, as He is our God and we will not get into the “Kingdom” unless we do the “will of our Father” as Lord Jesus says.

How we can do the “will of our Father”, without ever asking Him what He wants us to do for Him? Lord Jesus wants us to learn how to ask. He simply says, “Ask” we will “receive”. Many people I have met, have been trained from birth, not to ask for much. Many people get into trouble as children for asking for certain things, so they end up learning to manipulate people to get what they want in life. This leads to the pit!

Manipulation is the opposite of being “as a child”. Of course there are many children who have learned to manipulate to get their own way by quite an early age, but this is not what our Lord Jesus is talking about. He is talking about us being as innocent children who ask with no hidden agenda. They are just asking whatever they want to ask to receive whatever they receive.

I have been asking Lord Jesus to help me and teach me for twenty six years now since I became a Christian. It never ceases to astonish me what He gives to me every single day. I just keep asking and I just keep on receiving! I am in constant awe of our Father, Lord Jesus and the Holy Spirit and the ways in which each part of God helps me in very different ways!

As you can probably imagine from what I am asking you and saying to you, is that there are many possibilities in our lives that if we don’t engage with our Lord Jesus, as our one and only “teacher” then what are we missing? Do you want Him to say to you when He returns, “Get away from me you evil doer I never knew you”?

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