42 – Breaky with Jesus-What is our responsibility in our spiritual journey with Lord Jesus?

POSTED BY Kelly Newton-Wordsworth November 29, 2023 IN Podcast | No Comments

Lord Jesus tells us in Luke 21:19, that by our “patience” we take possession of our soul. What do these words mean to you? If you do not truly know Lord Jesus as your one and only Saviour, it is time to make a start in this intimate relationship with Him today! Do you agree? If not today, when? Lord Jesus tells people to “repent” because the “Kingdom of God is at hand”!

Would you say that He is telling us to “repent now” because we all have plenty of time to say sorry to God for all of the things we have done that are not what He wants us to be doing, the thoughts we have had, the ideas that have not been right with Him, disobeyed the Ten Commandments and the commands brought to us by Lord Jesus, which come directly from our Father in Heaven and so on?

Lord Jesus says if we “love Him” that we will “obey His commands”. What if we don’t know His commands? What if we do know all of His commands and just don’t feel like obeying them? We can believe whatever we want to believe in this world, but the living God sent His one and only begotten Son, our Lord Jesus Christ to bring us to live “life in abundance”!

Do you believe you can live “life in abundance” whilst carrying on with all kinds of behaviour that is against God? Lord Jesus says that anyone who “believes in Him will be saved”! He also says that anyone who doesn’t stands “condemned and the wrath of God remains upon them”. Serious words!

Having given up my life to serve God over thirty five years ago, in 1988, I have lived a spiritual life since that time and grow to love and know my Father in Heaven more every day. There is no doubt in my mind that God loves all of us but the major point throughout the Holy Bible is do we really love Him? Do we love Him as He wants to be loved? Does He really want to be put on the “back burner” until we require something of Him?

Would you like to be treated like that by the people who say that they love you? Would you want people to be calling out to you when they were drowning or dying, telling you how wonderful you are and wanting you to save them? The level of mercy and kindness God has is astonishing to me and He probably does a lot of this kind of saving of people at the last moment. I have heard of the kinds of stories where a man was drowning and called out to God, for the first time in many years, to save Him and a dolphin came by and took him into shore.

Miracles happen every day because God is real. He so loves us. We are made in His image. I have heard people say with such vehemence, “Why would a kind and merciful God” let a particular person die. Did He? Did He let that person die? Did that person have any relationship with the living God where they asked God in prayer before they were killed or died, whether it was God’s will that they go to a certain place on a particular day?

Having known the most High God since I gave up my life to Him in 1988, then He led me to repent of my sins, ask for forgiveness and to give my life to serve His Son in 1995, my experience of Him is that He is the kindest, most wondrous and loving Father, beyond what any person could ever imagine!

However, I would never in trillions of years say anything about Him that is not praising Him and loving Him with my whole heart. I would never dream of criticising Him as I have heard others do! He IS GOD! Whew! He can do whatever He wants to do. There is a proverb that states that “fear of the Lord” is the beginning of wisdom. So important to have the “fear of the Lord”.

It is to have a level of respect that will help you to stay focused deep inside on the Lord no matter what is happening in the outside world. Is this our responsibility? Of course! Every day we must be on the journey with Lord Jesus, taking up our cross, being His disciple and obeying His commands so that when He returns He will find us waiting for Him not distracted by the loudness of the world.

We have many responsibilities in relation to God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit. This is not just a simple and easy daily life to be leading. We are to be “in the world” but not “of the world”. How do we do this?

I have been asking Lord Jesus for help since I gave up my life to Him in 1995. I love Him beyond what any words can say. He is my personal Lord and saviour, my greatest friend, the “WAY” to be able to ask our Father what He wants for me to do for Him, my “one and only teacher” and so on.

My journey every day with Jesus is the greatest adventure beyond anything I could ever imagine. He is my wonderful supernatural “besty” and comes to be in our “midst” where “two or more are gathered in His name. I also have my dear friend and “counsellor” the Holy Spirit, whom Lord Jesus sent on the “day of Pentacost”! He is always with me 24 hours a day. Lord Jesus said that He would not “leave us as orphans” and He would send the Holy Spirit.

The Holy Spirit is a constant blessing to me. He is my personal coach and helps me not to forget things. He whispers in my ear. If I don’t listen to Him, I can drive all the way to Perth and leave behind one of the main things I was supposed to bring! I have had this training for years of my life now.

I pray you will open up to having the most amazing relationship with God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit that becomes greater by the day. If you have enjoyed this podcast and it has helped you to see things in new ways, please ask our Father whether He wants you to make a donation to our church. The button is on this page. We are helping people from all over the world and I believe our Father wants people who are receiving help from these podcasts to make a contribution towards our church here, the ‘Williams River Christian Community Church’.


Thank you in anticipation and God bless you for your donation. Also I would like to ask that you will take a look at a song I wrote, based on King David’s Psalm 25. I have called it the ‘Prosperity Song’. I believe that many people in this modern world would do very well to spend $2 and buy this. The meaning of “prosperity” is different for every person. The almighty God wants us to prosper, but He wants us to prosper His way. This is so different to the way of the world.


If you listen to the words in this song and put them into practice, I believe you will be truly blessed. Also please “follow” me on Bandcamp. I will be uploading songs onto that platform and if you are a follower, you will receive the songs immediately. I would really appreciate your love and support. Thank you again in anticipation and God bless you in all ways for supporting me in my ministry, Kelly Newton-Wordsworth

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