Breaky with Jesus podcasts

I have been working to serve God and love Him with my whole heart, mind, soul, spirit and body as much as I possibly can every day for thirty five years. I became a Christian in 1995 whilst watching the first video of the Alpha Course. As I said the “prayer of repentance” I experienced feeling and seeing “black tar” being sucked out of my body. Afterwards, I felt like I had a rainbow over my head and I was standing on top of a mountain before there was any pollution! I then learnt to pray and started to read the Gospels. I experienced feeling like a fire was burning inside me and I wanted more and more of Lord Jesus’ words.
When I came to the end of the Gospels I felt like a little child who rode a toy car down a long hill, got to the bottom and was wondering why I wasn’t still driving. I started then talking with Lord Jesus and gave Him my one hundred percent commitment to be all that I could as a student of His teachings. He says to us that we must not call “anyone on earth ‘TEACHER’ because He is our one and only teacher”, so that is what I did. I entered an intimate full on, beyond words, relationship with Him as my “one and only teacher”, and have been asking Him anything and everything, any time of the day or night ever since.
He always answers in the most amazing and mysterious ways. His teaching is beyond anything I have ever learned from studying at schools or University. I studied Law, have two law degrees, became a lawyer and then left the profession. I was admitted to the bar on the Friday and resigned from my law firm on the Monday and never went back after I did my one month to complete what I had to for the firm. I then worked as a professional actress. Whatever I have learned, studied or done in my life is nothing in comparison to what Lord Jesus has taught me. He teaches me the “WAY” to LIVE! There is no higher teaching than the teaching from Lord Jesus. There is nothing we can learn that is higher than learning the way to truly live “life in abundance”.
One of my goals is to help every person to understand how important it is to obey the commands of our Lord Jesus and live the “life in abundance” He came to bring us. I love people and want to help people to learn what they need to do to really obey the most high God, His commandments, the commands of Lord Jesus, (which He said came from the ‘one who sent Him’, His Father in Heaven) and be filled “with the Holy Spirit”.
He said “if you love me you will obey my commands” and I know from all He has been teaching me for years, through my relationship with Him, reading and listening to the Gospels, that to obey His commands is one of the major keys to receiving the blessings, miracles and wonders God wants to give to all of us. I pray you will continue to be blessed by the podcasts and I also pray that you will be inspired to bless us with your feedback and now also your financial contributions to our community church.
Supporting people all over the world
I would love to offer you the opportunity to support my ministry and make financial donations to our church, the ‘Williams River Christian Community Church‘. Our church continues to support people who need help from all over the world. Our Father also guides me through Lord Jesus to sing and preach the Gospels internationally and I have been doing so since 1997. God has just shown my husband William that He wants us to go throughout Australia in 2024, to bring revival to our nation and help Australian people to meet Lord Jesus. He wants us to help them to come into a true and abundantly rich relationship with God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
In 2002, just before traveling to do a concert tour in Germany of 30 concerts in 29 cities, I was praying before going to a more traditional church and God said to me, “I don’t want you to go to “church” any more, I will show you my church.” He then said “My church has NO walls and is where “two or more are gathered in the name of MY SON!” I was initially quite shocked. It was then totally mind opening. He took me on a journey to swim out to sea and float in the water with my eyes closed.
I experienced being as tiny as a grain of salt. I let go of my fear of the “unknown” as in sharks or anything that could harm me and I was filled with the light of Lord Jesus. I could feel this and see the light. I experienced the hugeness of God and the minuteness of myself in comparison to Him. This was life changing. I could never go back to the way I was before. He showed me that the church is His not man’s. He wanted me to start a “church” that is His.
After these experiences out in the sea and Him telling me that His church has “no walls”, when I was on tour in Germany, Christians came to me all the time. He showed me that His people are “everywhere”. I would be standing at the reception of a hotel and talking with the person at the counter and the next thing we would be praying together in a room nearby. It was a constant source of joy and excitement to see whom God would bring to me. I live my life like this every day. People ask me why I am so excited all of the time and when I tell them, many times people don’t really want to know. God keeps me moving and I live life in “abundance”.
William and I started a home church in 2002 which now is worldwide through our Facebook page, ‘Jesus Rocks My World‘. We have wonderful people contact us, who ask us for prayer and financial support. We do not have a huge bureaucracy where we have to go through many pieces of “red tape” to be able to help someone, we pray where “two or more are gathered in the name of Jesus” and we simply ask our Father, through Lord Jesus what our Father wants us to do. He answers us to let us know His will.
I know that Lord Jesus says that where “two or more are gathered in my name, there I will be in your midst”. When God told me that His church has “no walls” this made sense to me as He is “unlimited”. He is eternal. We are made in His image and therefore I believe He is wanting us to BE more and more like Him. Lord Jesus says, “Be perfect as my Father in heaven is perfect”! To truly obey our Lord Jesus is a full time job. His burdens though are “light” and His yoke is “easy”. It has taken years of taking up “my cross” every day and following Lord Jesus to learn what He wants me to do for Him and also for His Father who is my Father.
Our church started as just our family where we gathered to pray and ask what our Father wants us to do for Him. It has grown to be a worldwide body which is still where “two or more” are gathered in the name of Jesus. We can ask “anything” in the name of Jesus and He is always listening. We invite you to come into a deeper relationship with God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit in all ways.
You are free to join our data base so that you will receive the podcasts straight away. They are “free”. Lord Jesus says, “freely give what is freely given”. I do these podcasts only because our Father wants me to do them. They are free to you.
However, if you truly know that you are receiving great benefits from listening to them, our Father is guiding me to write these words and ask you to pray about whether it is His will to make a contribution for what you are receiving. Many people are having miracles from what they are learning or being part of through our Father’s church. He is the one who asked me to start this church. He wants this to be where “two or more are gathered in the name of His son”.
This “gathering” can happen on the phone, under a tree, by text or email. We pray for people from all over the world and miracles happen. When you contribute financially it is the way you can give back when you have received from our Father. We look forward to continuing with you in a deeper and more real way. Welcome to the church our Father told me to start, which has “no walls and is where two or more are gathered in the name” of His Son. God bless you in all ways, Kelly